Yana first came to Results in January of 2016. After seeing a co-worker go through the program and being successful, she knew it was time for a change. Yana was no longer comfortable or happy in her own body so she joined the 6 Week Challenge where she was very successful and has been with us ever since. Since becoming a member, she has participated in member challenges because she likes the accountability and motivation from a challenge. She is currently doing the Alumni challenge since she still has goals to drop down to a size 2/4 and build some more lean muscle mass. Yana-sunshine loves to see people smile and enjoys life. In her spare time she likes to play volleyball, go snowboarding and hiking.
She works at a home-care agency for kids and adults with disabilities and loves to lend a helping hand where its needed most. You can see Yana in the 6pm class where she loves to meet new members and workout with the FITFAM. Make sure you give her a high five when you see Yana working in Beast mode at Club Arden!