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Results Strong Mom

By May 8, 2021February 5th, 2025No Comments

Nicole Schnepp

An amazing ‘Results Strong Mom’ who has been with us since the beginning of Results at Nv Transformation Center.

She started as a member and was very successful in completing her multiple challenges. Keeping her positive attitude and being a supportive FitFam member!
Nicole then decided to give back and become a member of the Results Team and help inspire others to achieve their goals!
nicole-schnepp-1She is a fantastic Admin who balances her time empowering our FitFam with the time she devotes to her family and being an amazing Mom of 4 girls and 3 boys ages 21 to 5.

She completed this years Mud Factor and said she “totally loved it! It was hard but I just kept at it and I finished!! I Faced my fear of heights with the support of a fellow fit fam David Todd and got over a very tall wall!”

She also says a few NSVs she is proud of are her fitting into her husbands race car for the first time ever !✋?????? And her kids now love to go in bike rides and hikes with me when we can. Something they had never done!

Nicole says “The body achieves what the body believes!! If you say you can’t then you won’t! Just keep swimming!! ”

Thank you Nicole for all your passion and dedication to helping empower others at Results!