Jaynie first found Results nearly 3 years ago after her doctor entered “obese” on her medical record, which she hated. She was also diagnosed with high blood pressure, high cholesterol AND type II diabetes. Additionally, she joined Results to support her daughter on her road to health. Jaynie now has a clean and clear bill of health. No high cholesterol, no type II diabetes, no high blood pressure, and no medications! Jaynie is now accomplishing new fitness goals she never thought she would such as completing a triathlon with a stand up paddleboard event! Her MyZone name is POPCRN. She loves it because it pushes her to work harder, and allows her to compete with friends during the workouts! Jaynie loves the variety of the workouts, but her favorite type is the “partner style” AMRAP where no team member or partner gets left behind and you can push each other to do more reps, more rounds, go heavier, etc. Jaynie believes the support from the coaches AND the Fit Fam is what really sets Results apart. It’s REAL, and it works! She BELIEVES that if we do our absolute BEST every time we’re at Results, we will accomplish things we never thought possible!