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Team Sunrise is PROUD to announce our January member of the month, Alex Zamanian! Alex has been a member with us for nearly two years, and he has lost over 20lbs since starting. He owns an auto dealership on Sunrise Blvd. He is a proud father and husband to a wonderful wife and two children. He loves working out at Results because it gives him the energy and fitness that allows him to be active with his family. He also loves working out here because he’s inspired not only by the coaches, but also by fellow fit-fam to work MUCH harder. His favorite sport is volleyball, which he played for many years. What he loves most about Results are the coaches and the motivating environment! Alex is most proud of the weight he has lost here, and the general improved health he has acquired since starting. His favorite exercise is…. BURPEEEEEES!!! Alex’s favorite motivational quote is, “Fitness is like a relationship. You can’t cheat on it and expect it to work.”